IFMA & Partner Webinars

Emerging topics. Best practices. Expert opinions.  

July 31, 2024 | 12 PM ET-US
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Planet, Places, People: Ensure Well-being and Safety

As facilities managers strive to lessen the environmental impact of buildings they manage, it is essential to consider the well-being of people who work there. Today’s smart office buildings can play a key role in making employees feel welcomed, comfortable, and energized for work. Attend part three of our Planet, Places, People: The Future of Workplace Management webcast series to discover the powerful connection between workplace sustainability and employee health, safety, and productivity.
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August 6, 2024 | 2 PM ET-US
NFPA August 24 Webinar
Smoke Alarms: Make Them Work For You!

This year’s Fire Prevention Week (FPW™) campaign, “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!™” strives to educate everyone about the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home. In this webinar you will learn the WHY behind the campaign’s key calls to action: INSTALL, TEST, and REPLACE. Subject matter experts will share new smoke alarm technology updates, best practices, and how to plan and implement a successful FPW campaign using National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) resources.
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August 7, 2024 | 12 PM ET-US
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Navigating the Technological Landscape: Insights from IFMA's Executive Summit 2024

Learn about critical insights from this year's Executive Summit 2024, which focused on the challenges facility managers face in understanding the many technological applications and processes available. This interactive webinar will highlight the evolving role of FM in the digital age, emphasizing the critical need for facility managers to adopt digital transformation, enhance cybersecurity measures, understand how to see through the hype and acquire new skill sets.
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August 12, 2024 | 1 PM ET-US
Manufacturing Education Series: Furniture

By 2030, Straits Research projects almost $60B in additional U.S. revenue from the second-hand furniture market. Join Rheaply for a discussion on circularity in furniture manufacturing where we will examine ways to unlock additional revenue and reduce carbon emissions by reimagining sustainable office furniture lifecycles – with technology at the core. We’ll discuss ways to automate furniture lifecycle decisions, optimize for design and style, investment recovery, environmental impact, community impact, and logistics, saving your team precious planning time.
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August 14, 2024 | 2 PM ET-US
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Facility Focus: Spotlighting Mobile Access to Building Info for Emergency Preparedness

Facilities teams need quick access to critical information during emergencies. This session emphasizes the importance of instant building information access for safety and preparedness. Key points include mobile access to emergency equipment, organization of life safety documents, instant sharing with first responders, and on-the-go access to emergency contacts and plans.
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August 21, 2024 | 12 PM ET-US
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'Next Life' Trend in Facility Management: How to Manage and Monetize Idle Assets

Every facilities leader has at least one: A rented storage space full of workplace assets collecting dust. A floor or an entire building that needs to be decommissioned. A scattered collection of high-value furniture or equipment you no longer need but can’t throw away. When these valued assets reach the end of their life at your facility, why should you choose their next life beyond your four walls? Doing so helps you cut procurement and storage costs, recover investment value, and impact your community.
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September 12, 2024 | 1 PM ET-US
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Manufacturing Education Series: IT Hardware & Electronics

The United Nations projects $91B in lost market value due to insufficient electronic recycling. Electronic devices contain a number of valuable materials such as gold and copper, and only a fraction is recovered in an environmentally sound way. Adopting circular business models presents a unique opportunity for businesses to create value, lower impact and generate profitability. In our fourth education series for manufacturers, we’ll discuss ways to automate electronic lifecycle decisions, incorporate product life extension (PLE) designs and ways to plan ahead for end-of-life.
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